Jun 30, 2017 | Cross Training, Fuel Up!, It's Not All Physical, Life, On the Run
Knowledge without mileage equals bullshit. – Henry Rollins (as read in Danielle Laporte’s new book, White Hot Truth) This is one of my new favorite quotes. For everything. I love saying it. Thinking about it. Sharing it. It really hits the nail on the...
May 4, 2017 | Life, On the Run
It’s been two weeks since I ran my first Boston Marathon. When I think back it still seems surreal to me that I crossed the finish line. Since then when asked how it was my answer is consistent. It was the best and hardest thing, and I get goose bumps on...
Feb 18, 2017 | It's Not All Physical, Life, On the Run
Let me set the stage. It’s Saturday, February 18, 2017. Week 7, Day 6 of training for the Boston Marathon. The day before this, my coach Yogi Triathlete, asked me if I would be game for a double long run. I believe my exact words were, “I’m...
Jan 29, 2017 | Life, On the Run
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot On January 29th, I turned 50 years alive. I like to say alive versus old. Because to me thats what a birthday means. One more year of life experience. Another year of...
Dec 30, 2016 | Life, On the Run
We run, running all the time, Running to the future… @pinkfeathers As far back as I can remember, I was running. Always moving so I could get to the future. Being properly caffeinated helps too! Now that I am almost 50, I consider my running in two phases,...
Jul 1, 2016 | Cross Training, Fuel Up!, It's Not All Physical, Life, On the Run
#blooddontlie It was end of May, beginning of June, 2016. It was morning. I was running. My legs felt tired, I felt tired. It didn’t make sense. I’m a runner and I cross train. I juice and drink green smoothies. I rest. I sleep (well the best I can with 3...