Marathon Monday – April 17, 2017

Marathon Monday – April 17, 2017

  It’s been two weeks since I ran my first Boston Marathon. When I think back it still seems surreal to me that I crossed the finish line. Since then when asked how it was my answer is consistent. It was the best and hardest thing, and I get goose bumps on...
The Day of the Double Long Run

The Day of the Double Long Run

Let me set the stage. It’s Saturday, February 18, 2017. Week 7, Day 6 of training for the Boston Marathon. The day before this, my coach Yogi Triathlete, asked me if I would be game for a double long run. I believe my exact words were, “I’m...
This is 50

This is 50

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot On January 29th, I turned 50 years alive. I like to say alive versus old. Because to me thats what a birthday means. One more year of life experience. Another year of...
Running – A Brief History

Running – A Brief History

We run, running all the time, Running to the future… @pinkfeathers As far back as I can remember, I was running. Always moving so I could get to the future. Being properly caffeinated helps too! Now that I am almost 50, I consider my running in two phases,...

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